About this awesome project

We have worked hard the last couple of months on Mono, in order to deliver a pixel-perfect, well thought-out and carefully executed theme which remains flexible without being complicated.

No layout builders, no thousands of shortcodes, just the ease of creating widgetized layouts on your pages, making use of our custom section widgets. This means that you can easily add, remove, or re-arrange the order of your sections on a widgetized page. These custom widget sections are in a vertical, mobile-first structure, so you can rest assured that you won’t break things regardless of the device you are watching the site from.

Mono is not only responsive, it is mobile-optimized. Driven by design decisions about what and where should be seen on a mobile device.

Clean, readable typography and narrow content width make sure that your users will enjoy consuming your content, and get the most out of it. Regarding the efficiency of the theme when works on a mobile viewport, we have refined it as well. Mono is not only responsive, it is mobile-optimized. Driven by design decisions about what and where should be seen on a mobile device.

We rely on proper content formatting, not over complicated structures.

Clean, readable typography and narrow content width make sure that your users will enjoy consuming your content, and get the most out of it. Regarding the efficiency of the theme when works on a mobile viewport, we have refined it as well. Mono is not only responsive, it is mobile-optimized. Driven by design decisions about what and where should be seen on a mobile device.